How F1 2023 has better balanced the handling conundrum of racing games

On the one hand, they want to produce a car that feels real and challenging to the hardcore sim-racers, but if they do that too well then it risks alienating the casual gamer who just wants to jump in and have some immediate fun. It’s a balancing act that the official F1 games have had to tread in recent years, and it’s something that was central to one of the big changes made to this ...Keep reading

How F1 2023 has better balanced the handling conundrum of racing games
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Publicidade (DT/EN)
On the one hand, they want to produce a car that feels real and challenging to the hardcore sim-racers, but if they do that too well then it risks alienating the casual gamer who just wants to jump in and have some immediate fun. It’s a balancing act that >>>

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