James MORGAN is the new MYGALE distributor in the UK

Photo: James Morgan It is with great enthusiasm that we announce our collaboration with James MORGAN, new distributor of MYGALE crosscar in the United Kingdom and Ireland. Originally from Wales, James has been professional rally co-driver for the last 10 years and also been rally team manager for 5 years. James: “I am very pleased […] Cet article James MORGAN is the new MYGALE distributor in the UK est apparu en premier sur Mygale Cars.

James MORGAN is the new MYGALE distributor in the UK
Publicidade (DT/EN)
Publicidade (DT/EN)
Photo: James Morgan It is with great enthusiasm that we announce our collaboration with James MORGAN, new distributor of MYGALE crosscar in the United Kingdom and Ireland. Originally from Wales, James has been professional rally co-driver for the last 10 >>>

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