Dall'Igna: MotoGP concessions allow rivals to make mistakes Ducati can't

On the 10th anniversary of his arrival at the Bolognese company, the engineer has been accumulating influence, in his team and in the championship, to the point of being seen by many as the Adrian Newey of MotoGP.After breaking most records last season, Ducati will face 2024 in full strength and with the extra asset of Marc Marquez, who has given up the last year of the multi-million-dollar ...Keep reading

Dall'Igna: MotoGP concessions allow rivals to make mistakes Ducati can't
Publicidade (DT/EN)
Publicidade (DT/EN)
On the 10th anniversary of his arrival at the Bolognese company, the engineer has been accumulating influence, in his team and in the championship, to the point of being seen by many as the Adrian Newey of MotoGP.After breaking most records last season, D >>>

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