Olimp Racing makes a statement with strong Estoril test display

Its driver Karol Basz set the fastest time across the two Test Days at the atmospheric former Formula 1 venue.In fact, the Polish team had two reasons to feel buoyant ahead of the opening round of the championship’s fifth edition. Olimp’s second entry might be a Ferrari 488 GT3 thanks to a parts supply issue with its 296 GT3, but that car emerged from the Test Days with the third-fastest time ...Keep reading

Olimp Racing makes a statement with strong Estoril test display
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Publicidade (DT/EN)
Its driver Karol Basz set the fastest time across the two Test Days at the atmospheric former Formula 1 venue.In fact, the Polish team had two reasons to feel buoyant ahead of the opening round of the championship’s fifth edition. Olimp’s second entry mig >>>

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