Zak Brown Recalls His Most Embarrassing Moment, Which Involved The Police

Posted on December 9, 2023 | by Charley Williams Everyone has an embarrassing story to tell, it’s what makes us human. But whether they tend to involve a full-on police investigation is another matter. This was the case for a story Zak Brown told everyone on a podcast – and yeah, it’s pretty embarrassing! Brown, CEO of McLaren, plays quite a visible role with the team. You’ll often find him on the pit wall on race weekends, and he has developed a very good relationship with his drivers. He’s almost like another team principal. So, it’s no surprise that he has some interesting stories from his travels around the world. But this one, in particular, is quite wild! Talking on the Track Limits podcast, he was asked what his most embarrassing moment during an F1 race weekend was, and he answered: “I thought I had my watch stolen in Japan, and they take theft very seriously there. “I reported it, and police got involved, it was like a murder scene, with how serious they took it, and the people at the hotel were understandably pretty upset that there had been theft, and of course, that’s where they thought they had stolen it and then… I found my watch. “It was in my suitcase. That was embarrassing.” This is why, growing up, your parents always asked you to check and check again! ???? We would have loved to be a fly on the wall at this moment!

Zak Brown Recalls His Most Embarrassing Moment, Which Involved The Police
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Posted on December 9, 2023 | by Charley Williams Everyone has an embarrassing story to tell, it’s what makes us human. But whether they tend to involve a full-on police investigation is another matter. This was the case for a story Zak Brown told >>>

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