Horner Feels Everyone Is Making Too Big A Deal Out Of Red Bull-Hamilton Saga

Posted on November 25, 2023 | by Charley Williams This is on the verge of turning into a comedy show, honestly. In case you missed it, an exclusive Daily Mail interview with Christian Horner revealed that talks were held earlier this year with Lewis Hamilton, whose personal team had reached out to him about joining Red Bull. Or had they? Of course, Lewis denied this and said that “No one, as far as I’m aware, from my team has spoken to him”, and later confirmed to the media, including The Race: “I’ve checked with everyone on the team, and no one’s spoken to them. But they [Red Bull] have tried to reach out to us.” It seems that someone here isn’t quite telling the truth. Obviously, Christian was asked more questions when he spoke with Sky Sports F1 after the first free practice session on Friday. He confirmed that it was actually Lewis’s dad that had reached out! “It’s not unusual for there to be an exchange. I’ve known Anthony Hamilton for 15/16 years. So, inevitably, there’s often an exchange during the course of a season. But there’s quite a lot that seems to have been read into this. “Anthony is a nice guy, he reached out, I think, I can’t remember it was regarding Sergio and just asked an enquiring and suggestive question. Now look, I don’t know what role Anthony plays in Lewis’s set-up or management. “But he’s got some form of a relationship, I don’t think he was enquiring about himself to come and drive.” So, when Christian said he’d held talks with Hamilton, which Hamilton did he mean? ???? But now, he just wants everyone to… well, stop talking about it. “There is no seat available, so it’s really a non-story. I mean, I know we’re at the end of the year, and we’re trying to drum things up here, but this is scraping the barrel a bit.” Even in the press conference, he reiterated: “It’s remarkable how much traction this has got, so thank you to the Daily Mail for going exclusively large on this item.” Hopefully, this is now the end of the saga!

Horner Feels Everyone Is Making Too Big A Deal Out Of Red Bull-Hamilton Saga
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Posted on November 25, 2023 | by Charley Williams This is on the verge of turning into a comedy show, honestly. In case you missed it, an exclusive Daily Mail interview with Christian Horner revealed that talks were held earlier this year with Le >>>

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