Fans Without Tickets Did Everything Possible To Get A Glimpse Of F1’s Vegas Race

Posted on November 21, 2023 | by Charley Williams You know what they say: God loves a trier ???? The Las Vegas GP was expected to bring in double the amount of money as the Super Bowl, which isn’t surprising when you see how much tickets cost for the weekend!  Of course, not everyone can afford upwards of $2,500 for a grandstand seat. Even general admission would’ve set you back $500 for access to one single zone around the circuit – and those tickets sold out well in advance. So, you were outpriced, and now you’re sad about it. What do you do? Ride up and down an elevator! No, seriously. As we got closer to the Las Vegas GP, it emerged that F1 organisers had placed barricades in the way of bars and restaurants, and privacy films had been applied to the glass of nearby bridges and fencing around the circuit so that onlookers were prevented from seeing the on-track action. People had already started to rip down the privacy film in the days leading up to the grand prix, but organisers did their best to keep covering the holes that had been made throughout the weekend. So, people had to get inventive. A TikTok posted by @vipvegasuk showed fans riding an escalator over and over again, which overlooked a pretty large area of the track. Great idea, but it probably did have its ups and downs ???? Elsewhere, thousands of fans were seen finding places to watch and film the race – and security couldn’t do much about it. Some were climbing onto their friends’ shoulders to peer over the barriers. People were finding any tiny hole they could through all the privacy covers. Others were even watching through a reflection on a building. We’re sure it would’ve made a better viewing experience at home from the TV, but it’s all about the atmosphere, we guess! ????‍♀️ Think we’ll stick to watching it on TV!

Fans Without Tickets Did Everything Possible To Get A Glimpse Of F1’s Vegas Race
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Posted on November 21, 2023 | by Charley Williams You know what they say: God loves a trier ???? The Las Vegas GP was expected to bring in double the amount of money as the Super Bowl, which isn’t surprising when you see how much tickets cost for >>>

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