Did The Vegas GP Live Up To The Hype? Here’s What F1 Fans Thought

The big question lingering on everyone’s minds this morning is, “Did the Las Vegas GP live up to the hype?” For an entire year leading up to the race, there have been promotions galore, including sparkly jackets and wild predictions from drivers. But now, it’s over.  The sparkly jackets are at the back of the wardrobe, the excessive amount of Elvises have returned to their day jobs (probably still as Elvis, but elsewhere), and the mini Las Vegas sign has been put into storage. The race was a not-so-welcome presence for some fans, who insisted that another street race wasn’t needed and that the glitz and glamour of ‘the show’ would overpower the racing itself. The cancellation of FP1 due to a track issue didn’t add any kind of positivity, either. Early last week, we asked if fans were looking forward to Las Vegas, and most of the comments were no, or simply curious about what it may bring. But at the end of the weekend, what did F1 fans think? We asked you to describe the Las Vegas GP in three words, here’s some of the top comments: “worth the watch” “better than expected” “pretty entertaining race” “not too bad” “surprisingly good race” “did not disappoint” “fantastic unexpected race” “best race 2023” “WHAT A BANGER” Overwhelmingly positive! But of course, like everything, there were some that disagreed: “definitely not motorsport” “what a s**tshow” “boring as always” “worst race ever” “must do better” “influencer grand prix”As is often the case with events that are hyped up to an extreme level, particularly when off-track activities are taking the spotlight, many fans were concerned that Vegas would just be another “here for the event” race. But after its false start on Thursday (which was rightly criticised), it seems the Las Vegas GP produced a race worthy of its hype and expectations. Plenty of action, overtakes, relatively chaos-free and a different race to what many were expecting regarding degradation. Overall, fans seem quite happy! Do you think it lived up to its hype? Let us know in the comments! 

Did The Vegas GP Live Up To The Hype? Here’s What F1 Fans Thought
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The big question lingering on everyone’s minds this morning is, “Did the Las Vegas GP live up to the hype?” For an entire year leading up to the race, there have been promotions galore, including sparkly jackets and wild predictions from drivers. But >>>

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