Carlos Sainz Shares Heartwarming Memories Of The ‘Iconic’ Brazil Circuit

Posted on November 3, 2023 | by Charley Williams If you can honestly say that Interlagos is not in your top 10 favourite tracks, we will cover our ears and choose not to believe you! It’s iconic, full of history and holds a special place in many fans’ and drivers’ hearts ???? An old-school circuit that’s steeped in history, nothing is better than the sight of the whole field snaking through the Senna S. Some of F1’s biggest moments were born here, so it’s no surprise that the track is so highly regarded by drivers. In the Brazilian GP press conference, Carlos Sainz shared a few wholesome reasons why he’s so fond of Sao Paulo. “My best memory by far is obviously getting my first ever podium in Formula 1, thanks to a five-second penalty to you, Lewis,” he said while sitting next to Hamilton. “When was it? 2019? So I kind of owe you a bit of a podium there. That made me happy. “And once that happens, then all the rest of the podiums came, so I always come back to Sao Paulo with that emotion or that memory. I was on the podium here last year, too. “But for me mainly it’s just… also, I remember 2015,  the first time I travelled to Sao Paulo for a Formula 1 race and getting to race on this iconic track. I always remember like, yeah, Sao Paulo, like it’s happening. “I played it so many times on the PlayStation, but also, I remember watching all the world titles being decided here when I was a kid, and I saw Lewis winning on the last lap, Fernando winning his first World Championship. “It’s always a track that I wanted to come to, and I remember 2015, the first time I came, as a special weekend.” ???? Brazil was also home to Ayrton Senna, a driver who, beyond his driving genius, was one of the sport’s most compelling personalities and a driver that, even now, many of the current grid look up to. We can’t wait to see the on-track action this weekend! 

Carlos Sainz Shares Heartwarming Memories Of The ‘Iconic’ Brazil Circuit
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Posted on November 3, 2023 | by Charley Williams If you can honestly say that Interlagos is not in your top 10 favourite tracks, we will cover our ears and choose not to believe you! It’s iconic, full of history and holds a special place in many >>>

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