LIGHTS TO FLAG: Jaime Alguersuari on his teenage F1 debut, life as a Red Bull junior and swapping motorsport for music

Jaime Alguersuari may still be only 33 years old, but the Spaniard has experienced plenty in his life so far, becoming the then youngest ever driver in F1 history with Toro Rosso in the late noughties, only to abruptly lose his seat after two-and-a-half seasons and then fall out of love with motorsport, sending him down a completely different route toward a career in music.

LIGHTS TO FLAG: Jaime Alguersuari on his teenage F1 debut, life as a Red Bull junior and swapping motorsport for music
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Jaime Alguersuari may still be only 33 years old, but the Spaniard has experienced plenty in his life so far, becoming the then youngest ever driver in F1 history with Toro Rosso in the late noughties, only to abruptly lose his seat after two-and-a-half s >>>

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