Verstappen Really Dislikes The Idea Of Being Named The Greatest Dutch Athlete

Posted on October 6, 2023 | by Charley Williams We quite like the idea of being our nation’s favourite, like a digestive biscuit but more sporty. But for Max Verstappen, he’s not too fussed, and the answer he gave as to why is actually quite wholesome. Well, if you look beyond calling the prize “silly” and “stupid” ???? This conversation started when Ronald Waterreus, a former Dutch footballer, said in a column that Max Verstappen is the greatest athlete the Netherlands has ever produced. Max has won an award for Dutch Sportsman of the Year three times, in 2016, 2021 and 2022 – and you would think with his increased dominance this season, he may be on track to be chosen again in 2023. When Max was asked about this honourable mention, he told the media, including The Race: “Again, I don’t want to compare at all. “Everyone was amazing in their own right and in their own sport, so these kind of things I am happy and proud that I am Dutch, but I remember when I grew up these amazing athletes. “I think as a country, we should just be proud, and it doesn’t matter who is the best or who is the second-best. “That is why, every year, we have these awards about sportsman or sportswoman of the year, why? I don’t even want to win it. It should be about appreciating all the talent we have in the country, or any country, it is not about this is better than the others in terms of achievement. “We should celebrate all the success we have as a country. That is why I find it a ridiculous prize. “I just find it unfair for some people to put so much effort in their sport and what they achieve, and achieve incredible results, and sometimes they don’t get awarded for it because of this silly, stupid prize for one particular person. “I am just saying it honestly, I think it is really important that everyone is appreciated.” A very sweet answer, we must say! ????

Verstappen Really Dislikes The Idea Of Being Named The Greatest Dutch Athlete
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Publicidade (DT/EN)
Posted on October 6, 2023 | by Charley Williams We quite like the idea of being our nation’s favourite, like a digestive biscuit but more sporty. But for Max Verstappen, he’s not too fussed, and the answer he gave as to why is actually quite whol >>>

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