Vowles: Perez “lunge” on Albon could prove costly for Williams F1 team

The Marina Bay track wasn’t expected to suit Williams but Albon had a solid race, and a stop for new tyres under the Virtual Safety Car – mirroring the strategy used by Mercedes – gave him extra pace in the latter stages of the race.Albon was in 10th and closing on Liam Lawson when Perez made contact as he tried to overtake in a late race incident that wasn’t shown on TV.The Red Bull ...Keep reading

Vowles: Perez “lunge” on Albon could prove costly for Williams F1 team
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The Marina Bay track wasn’t expected to suit Williams but Albon had a solid race, and a stop for new tyres under the Virtual Safety Car – mirroring the strategy used by Mercedes – gave him extra pace in the latter stages of the race.Albon was in 10th and >>>

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