Lack of F1 and Red Bull action on "unacceptable" Marko racism "interesting" - Hamilton

Marko, a motorsport advisor for Red Bull, caused a stir after the Italian Grand Prix when he blamed Sergio Perez’s fluctuating form on his ethnicity.He told Red Bull’s own Servus TV channel: “We know that he has problems in qualifying, he has fluctuations in form. He is South American and he is just not as completely focused in his head as Max (Verstappen) is or as Sebastian (Vettel)."As ...Keep reading

Lack of F1 and Red Bull action on "unacceptable" Marko racism "interesting" - Hamilton
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Marko, a motorsport advisor for Red Bull, caused a stir after the Italian Grand Prix when he blamed Sergio Perez’s fluctuating form on his ethnicity.He told Red Bull’s own Servus TV channel: “We know that he has problems in qualifying, he has fluctuations >>>

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