Here’s When Lando Norris Believes McLaren Can Fight For The F1 Title Again

Posted on August 26, 2023 | by Charley Williams There is most definitely something in the water over at McLaren. It’s not just CEO Zak Brown who is confident the team could be fighting for world championships in the next couple of years, but Lando Norris, too. A bold claim, considering they were at the back of the grid at the start of the season. But the recent McLaren upgrade has really transformed the car, and with staff restructuring also in place – the letting go of technical director James Key and the hiring of Ferrari’s David Sanchez and Red Bull’s Rob Marshall – Zak told there are no longer any “big holes” to fix and everything is in place to win championships. But what does Lando think? Talking to the media, including The Race at Zandvoort, he was asked about Zak’s recent comments. He said: “I think there’s the difference of having everything in place versus having everything in your hands. “I think when he says that, having the people who are coming, the guys from Red Bull, people from Ferrari. Having the windtunnel by that point doing fully as it should. Having the simulator doing fully as it should. “The people…things are still happening, which are putting people in place. By that point, everything should be in place, there’s then still a bit of time to extract everything from the stuff we’ve got. “So I think he’s right, I would say I agree with what he’s saying, there’s a difference to then turning that into the actual laptime on the car, which is not something we’re going to be able to start the next season with. “Something we can maybe end or build up to in 2024. More likely have a chance into 2025.” Alright, so maybe Zak was getting a little ahead of himself, but we definitely love this confidence, especially after one of the “biggest” turnarounds we’ve seen in F1 for many years – Lando’s words, not ours! McLaren and Red Bull title fight in 2025? We’re here for it! 

Here’s When Lando Norris Believes McLaren Can Fight For The F1 Title Again
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Posted on August 26, 2023 | by Charley Williams There is most definitely something in the water over at McLaren. It’s not just CEO Zak Brown who is confident the team could be fighting for world championships in the next couple of years, but Land >>>

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