INTRODUCING TINA HAUSMANN: The Aston Martin driver on the adrenaline of racing and how she nearly went down another career path

For Tina Hausmann, racing was love at first sight and she hasn’t stopped her drive to success since. One of six newcomers to the 2024 F1 ACADEMY grid, we put the Swiss racer in the hotseat so you can get to know her a little bit better.From how she’s settling into life in the PREMA Racing garage, to taking home silverware in her debut single seater campaign, the Aston Martin driver is as driven as ever as she looks to add to the collection this year. HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN RACING FOR?“I started when I was seven years old. I’m the first one in my family to race, so it’s a new world that I brought to myself and my family. I saw a go-kart for the first time when I was in a car showhouse with my family and I just ran to it. There was an affection there, like two magnets attracting each other and I knew this is what I wanted to do — this is my purpose. I got a lot of support from my parents and family. Then, I had my first days in the go-kart and it all developed from there.“When I was 16, I had my first time in Formula 4 and then I did Italian F4 and the Euro 4 Championships. It all developed from there and now I’m in F1 ACADEMY.”WHAT DOES RACING FEEL LIKE TO YOU?“I cannot find the right words to describe this feeling! It's just amazing because I love everything about it. I love the adrenaline, the speed, the search for the perfection and the data analysis. So, it's just perfect and suits it well, the feeling inside the car is amazing.”Rocking the Aston Martin green, Hausmann scored points on her F1 ACADEMY debut in JeddahWHAT’S THE HIGHLIGHT OF YOUR CAREER SO FAR?“I won the female title in the Italian F4 and Euro 4 Championships in my rookie season, so I think this is quite an achievement, which I’m proud of. It was amazing. A good feeling (like that) gives you quite a bit of confidence because you know you were the best woman in that series, especially in your rookie year. It was natural I went to F1 ACADEMY after that.”IF YOU COULD RACE AGAINST ONE DRIVER PAST OR PRESENT, WHO WOULD IT BE?“I would like to race against Susie Wolff!”DESCRIBE YOUR PRE-RACE RITUAL AND DO YOU HAVE ANY SUPERSTITIONS?“We have a lot of data analysis and time with our engineer where we talk through everything, so we have a clear idea of what to do. Then I do the warm-up with my physical coach and some mental preparation, activating the muscles to bring the heartrate up. I like to do skipping rope, jumping and strength exercises that will put some heat into you.READ MORE: Ferrari legends and F1 ACADEMY’s first-ever champion: Maya Weug’s Racing Idols“Then we’re all ready to go to the car. I get my helmet, my gloves and everything else and get in the car, get my seat belts on and then we’re ready to race. I used to listen to music, but not so much anymore. I like some techno and rave music — some bangers. I do (have some superstitions), I get in the car from the left side, but before that I need to get my gloves on and I always put the left one on first.” DO YOU HAVE ANY PARTY TRICKS OR HIDDEN TALENTS?“I’m really good at doing puzzles, I like that and memorizing stuff.”WHERE IS YOUR FAVOURITE CIRCUIT AND WHY?“I really like the traditional ones like Monza, Misano or Imola. Now I’ve started to like the street circuits because Jeddah was my first time on one and I’m pretty sure Miami will also be one of my favourites from now on.”Hausmann revealed that's she's got a few pre-race superstitions that have stuck with her over the yearsWHAT’S YOUR RACING NUMBER THIS YEAR AND WHY DID YOU PICK IT?“It’s the number 19 because it’s my brother’s birthday on the 19th. I really look up to my brother and I thought it was the right number for this year. He’s not racing himself, but he watches all the races from Formula 1, F2, F3 and of course, F1 ACADEMY. So, they’ve all gotten into racing now.”IF YOU HAD A DINNER PARTY WITH THREE GUESTS FROM THE 2024 GRID, WHO WOULD YOU PICK AND WHY?“I would pick Lola (Lovinfosse), Doriane (Pin) and Maya (Weug) because these are the three I know the best and I get along well with them . It’s good (having Doriane and Maya as teammates). We get along very well and we’re getting to know each other more and more because we spend a lot of time together. The dynamics are very good, we work well together and make the team and ourselves improve.”READ MORE: How F1 ACADEMY DISCOVER YOUR DRIVE gave young people a chance to explore motorsport opportunities in MiamiIS THERE A FACT ABOUT YOU THAT OTHER PEOPLE MIGHT NOT KNOW?“I used to play soccer and I actually had to decide my career path, whether to go into soccer or motorsport when I was about 13. I was good at soccer as well, but it just felt natural to go into motorsport. It’s quite unique and that’s something that I like, to be unique, and motorsport for sure is. So, it was a natural way to go into motorsport.”WHAT IS YOUR AMBITION FOR THE 2024 SEASON?“For sure to get some podiums, that’s what I’m here for and to continue my learning curve.”

INTRODUCING TINA HAUSMANN: The Aston Martin driver on the adrenaline of racing and how she nearly went down another career path
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For Tina Hausmann, racing was love at first sight and she hasn’t stopped her drive to success since. One of six newcomers to the 2024 F1 ACADEMY grid, we put the Swiss racer in the hotseat so you can get to know her a little bit better.From how she’s sett >>>

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