NEED TO KNOW: The most important facts, stats and trivia ahead of the Emilia Romagna Grand Prix

After a series of flyaway events to kick off the 2024 season, Formula 1 arrives in Europe this weekend for the Emilia Romagna Grand Prix. Need to Know is your all-in-one guide for the week ahead with statistics, driving pointers, strategy tips and plenty more. You can also keep track of how fans have voted using our popular F1 Play predictor game.

NEED TO KNOW: The most important facts, stats and trivia ahead of the Emilia Romagna Grand Prix
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After a series of flyaway events to kick off the 2024 season, Formula 1 arrives in Europe this weekend for the Emilia Romagna Grand Prix. Need to Know is your all-in-one guide for the week ahead with statistics, driving pointers, strategy tips and plenty >>>

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