In Profile: Joshua Dufek

PHM AIX Racing’s Joshua Dufek is the latest rookie tasked with telling us more about himself as he answers a few light-hearted questions about his journey to Formula 3.The Austrian reveals plenty including which Formula 1 driver he cheered for growing up, what he likes to do away from a track and his secret talent.WHAT IS YOUR FIRST RACING MEMORY?“My first racing memory I'd say it was not actually me racing but it was watching Formula 1 on the TV. I vaguely remember watching the Monaco Grand Prix, I can't remember what year, but it was when I was small. It was the first race I watched and what kind of kickstarted my passion of racing and ultimately my racing career actually.”Alexander Dunne: My Ultimate Driver HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE YOUR RACING STYLE?“I'd say I am quite a composed racer. So, in that sense I am controlled but also aggressive.”WHO IS YOUR RACING HERO?“Sebastian Vettel I'd say. Growing up I always supported him, and I always cheered him on, so I'd say Seb.”Dufek would describe himself as a composed racerWHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST RACING ACHIEVEMENT SO FAR?“My biggest racing achievement I would say my first year in FRECA in 2022, which was probably my best year so far. I think I got a couple of podiums and finished as the runner-up rookie which at that point was quite good, so I'd say that.”In Profile: Cian Shields WHAT IS THE BEST THING ABOUT BEING A RACING DRIVER?“That's a good question. I think being able to travel a lot, although at this point travelling gets a bit repetitive and it's not really my favourite thing anymore. But definitely getting to travel a lot and seeing different parts of the world. I think being a racing driver you get to experience so many emotions that you wouldn't get to in ordinary life.”HOW DO YOU RELAX AWAY FROM RACING?“Well, I'd say one of my favourite things to do when I get back home to Switzerland, I live in the mountains, so I have lots of nature close by and my favourite thing is just to run or have a walk in the forest, or in nature. It's a really nice way to wind down and relax and just get your mind off of the racing.”Dufek enjoys running and walking in nature and also says his secret talent is cookingDO YOU HAVE ANY SECRET TALENTS?“I'd say cooking. I mean it depends what dishes. If it's baking and making cakes then there is nothing special but if it's steaks and especially foods that I like eating then I am a good cook.”WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE TRACK ON THE F3 CALENDAR?“That's a very good question. I mean I think the track that I have been looking forward to most is Melbourne, because I've never been there, and the track is just so unique and different to any track we are going to go too. I couldn't really tell you that I have a favourite track, but I can name a few like Melbourne, Red Bull Ring, Imola, Monaco. I mean they are all very good tracks. I can't say I dislike a track; they are all just different in their own way.”

In Profile: Joshua Dufek
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PHM AIX Racing’s Joshua Dufek is the latest rookie tasked with telling us more about himself as he answers a few light-hearted questions about his journey to Formula 3.The Austrian reveals plenty including which Formula 1 driver he cheered for growing up, >>>

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