Exclusive: F1 defers decision over points system tweaks

Following a push by F1's midfield teams to extend the current points structure to cover the top 12, the topic was put on the agenda for Thursday's F1 Commission meeting attended by the FIA, F1 and all 10 teams.For the change to go through, it needed support from five of the current teams. Several outfits were in favour of the change when quizzed at last weekend's Chinese Grand Prix, while Red ...Keep reading

Exclusive: F1 defers decision over points system tweaks
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Publicidade (DT/EN)
Following a push by F1's midfield teams to extend the current points structure to cover the top 12, the topic was put on the agenda for Thursday's F1 Commission meeting attended by the FIA, F1 and all 10 teams.For the change to go through, it needed suppo >>>

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