Ferrari reintroduces 2023 rear wing for F1 Saudi Arabian GP

While the Jeddah Corniche Circuit is classified as a street track, its fast and flowing nature pushes teams towards a low-drag model more akin to that required for Monza.As such, following the season-opening round in Bahrain, many teams have opted for revised rear and beam wing specifications to improve straight-line efficiency.Notably, Ferrari has chosen to revert to a lower downforce top rear ...Keep reading

Ferrari reintroduces 2023 rear wing for F1 Saudi Arabian GP
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While the Jeddah Corniche Circuit is classified as a street track, its fast and flowing nature pushes teams towards a low-drag model more akin to that required for Monza.As such, following the season-opening round in Bahrain, many teams have opted for rev >>>

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