Saudi Arabia unveils new Qiddiya track set to host F1

Since the country joined the F1 calendar for 2021, it has used the high-speed Jeddah street circuit on the coast of the Corniche.However, there have long been plans to move to a purpose-built venue in Qiddiya, the new city project devised under the Saudi Vision 2030 scheme.Saudi has now shown off digital images of the new 200mph anti-clockwise track, designed by ex-F1 driver Alex Wurz and ...Keep reading

Saudi Arabia unveils new Qiddiya track set to host F1
Publicidade (DT/EN)
Publicidade (DT/EN)
Since the country joined the F1 calendar for 2021, it has used the high-speed Jeddah street circuit on the coast of the Corniche.However, there have long been plans to move to a purpose-built venue in Qiddiya, the new city project devised under the Saudi >>>

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